A new professional collaboration

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A new professional collaboration

A new professional collaboration. This September Charmaine Roche began a new collaboration with a fellow coach, Gemma Crofts. They both took up a voluntary position as co-coaching forum hosts for the Association for Coaching (AC) which involves organising and contributing to CPD sessions for members and associates of the AC.

October Event

Their October event  featured a guest coach, Peter Freeth.
He introduced  the Unsticker , a tool he developed for reasons he explained as follows: One fact of coaching is that in order for our clients to achieve change, they have to overcome whatever has prevented change in the past, and that often means solving problems. When the client can’t come up with any more options, the result can be a ‘stuck’ client – and a ‘stuck’ coach. One of the expectations of a coach is to ‘ask powerful questions. What pressure that puts on you! How can you know which question is going to have the greatest impact on the client?

The ‘Unsticker’, is described as a tool that generates such questions. They are context-free so could work in any situation.

Take a look at the Unsticker here and see if you think it might work for you.

Here is a summary of what was learned from using it in triads:

Reflections on learning

  • Use it wisely, i.e. as a coaching aid and not coaching style (coach & coachee need to be stuck)
  • Need to be really stuck for them to work
  • It is a tool not a coaching methodology
  • Real new insights can emerge when it is used only for as long or when it is needed-random non-contextualised questions can shift you out of a hidden narrative that is keeping you stuck.

Give it a try yourself, we would love to hear your feedback.